Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Lets Talk About Jesus...

Seen to be seeing a specific date of 10/17/, there something about the fulfillment of the timetable and the date 10/17/ gloriously on the map 05/19/2013    

When Thy Fear Cometh                                                                                                             05/21/2013

     Right before I learn of this latest tragedy I was sitting on the back deck, I was explaining to my husband the most recent word of knowledge unto future prophecies I'd received.  I told him how the night before I was forewarn how there was five more major tragedies to go before, before what? I know, though my thought was on the five more future horrors and what were those five prior?
    I know you’re wondering why ten? Well those reading behind me know that just recently a forewarning went out from me, from this ministry, this Apostle how mankind or world leaders should remember the ten plagues of Egypt (also see Abraham, finding 10 faithful).  You’re too remember the judgment of Egypt (see mystery Babylon), targeted the leaders of those countries playing god, more so than the people who suffered mightily because of their leader’s abominable prudence toward the God of heaven.
     Only by understanding the time table given world leaders December 25th 2001, a measure of 15.10 years was again given world leaders to make an end of sin, (repent, return back to God).  Just as so only when this timetable is considered do you then realize the vital importance of the next especially 3 and a half years, which then puts or shines a light on the month of June 2013, literally unexplainable.  This is why as I realized just recently when you calculate this figure it’s going to end worldwide nation building around the same time the Obama administration is to end.
    Then you’re to appreciate further there is no way in December 2001 I could’ve known or realize this, I’d only some years later apprehended I received this prophecy within the same year as the September 11th attacks. Anyway over two weeks ago I was suppose to remind those reading behind me about the death rider vision I was given in the mid nineties.  How this bringer of death was being loosed out of the earth, how I witnessed the earth surface just open up and HE this bringer of death was being loosed out of it.
   Of course it was explained to me how this was death, and how it was being loosed upon mankind’s describable abominable, detestable lives, lands and churches because they’d forsaken God. This is something similar to what Elohim had explained to Noah, how he would destroy the abomination mankind in Noah’s day had become with the earth, with a natural disaster.  Of course this is always God’s form of judgment against wickedness as there is very little man can do to intervene or interfere, (Jesus said despite being forewarn they won’t even know what’s coming until they’re dead and mostly in hell), meaning they can’t reasoned their way out of it like with potential wars.
     Don’t get this Apostle wrong, don’t get these sizeable tragedies wrong, this is all about God with attempts to bring as many to repentance (www.repentnow2011.blogspot.com), as possible before the anti-Christ reign and the greatest tribulations ever or ever to be again.  You say what is repentance? Well if you’ve never had a conversation with God unto Jesus Christ about being forgiven of iniquities shaped and mold of you. Of your heart  in your mother’s wound, you, all mankind being Adam’s cursed blood lineage, then you’re not saved, you’re not born again and heretofore you’re not redeemed.
    This is the single most important thing you’re to grasp if you’re to perceive nothing else that the only way Elohim can get mankind especially THOSE OF America, of the free world in a place. Amazingly in a position where they’re to a degree comprehend this truth is when all they worship on this planet is threaten to this or even a greater degree.  This is why although millions will be lost to hell doing the greatest tribulation this world has ever seen, millions will also be found, brought to heaven where their robes will be washed and made white by the blood of the Lamb, Jesus Christ, repent ye, the Kingdom of God as never before is at hand.
      I remember some years passed, seven or more I stepped outside my back door into a beautiful, sunny day, sky and just as I did I heard God say “I will bring it all to waste,” I can only gather HE didn’t want me to be deceived by it all.  This too is the character of God, from Noah’s flood through unto unthinkable horrors at present as HE attempt to rid the world of evil and bring as many to repentance as possible doing so.  This will truly ring true and evident when the born again are called up to meet the Lord Christ Himself in the heavens, the dead first and then those like myself, alive and remaining faithful where we will forever be with the Lord God almighty.  That you be aware, that you be born again, that you know an Apostle of Jesus Christ is among you, as to pluck Ambers from the burning, Apb, The RAM… Let's Talk About Jesus... .blogspot.com

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